ical - 'iCalendar' Parsing
A simple wrapper around the 'ical.js' library executing 'Javascript' code via 'V8' (the 'Javascript' engine driving the 'Chrome' browser and 'Node.js' and accessible via the 'V8' R package). This package enables users to parse 'iCalendar' files ('.ics', '.ifb', '.iCal', '.iFBf') into lists and 'data.frames' to ultimately do statistics on events, meetings, schedules, birthdays, and the like.
Last updated 4 years ago
4.32 score 18 stars 23 scripts 352 downloadshellno - A Solution to the 'stringsAsFactors=FALSE' Problem
Base R's default setting for 'stringsAsFactors' within 'data.frame()' and 'as.data.frame()' is supposedly the most often complained about piece of code in the R infrastructure. The 'hellno' package provides an explicit solution without changing R itself or having to mess around with options. It tries to solve this problem by providing alternative 'data.frame()' and 'as.data.frame()' functions that are in fact simple wrappers around base R's 'data.frame()', 'as.data.frame()', 'rbind()' and 'rbind.as.data.frame()' with 'stringsAsFactors' option set to 'HELLNO' (which in turn equals FALSE) by default.
Last updated 6 years ago
4.18 score 2 stars 5 dependents 8 scripts 201 downloadscrossword.r - Generating Crosswords from Word Lists
Generate crosswords from a list of words.
Last updated 6 years ago
4.15 score 28 stars 8 scripts 211 downloadsr6extended - Extension for 'R6' Base Class
Useful methods and data fields to extend the bare bones 'R6' class provided by the 'R6' package - ls-method, hashes, warning- and message-method, general get-method and a debug-method that assigns self and private to the global environment.
Last updated 6 years ago
3.48 score 2 stars 1 dependents 2 scripts 213 downloadstabit - Simple Tabulation Made Simple
Simple tabulation should be dead simple. This package is an opinionated approach to easy tabulations while also providing exact numbers and allowing for re-usability. This is achieved by providing tabulations as data.frames with columns for values, optional variable names, frequency counts including and excluding NAs and percentages for counts including and excluding NAs. Also values are automatically sorted by in decreasing order of frequency counts to allow for fast skimming of the most important information.
Last updated 5 years ago
3.00 score 2 stars 3 scripts 118 downloadslibrarysnapshot - Library Snapshot for Packages and Dependencies in Use by Current Session
Generate a local library copy with relevant packages. All packages currently found within the search path - except base packages - will be copied to the directory provided and can be used later on with the .libPaths() function.
Last updated 7 years ago
2.70 score 3 scripts 461 downloads